February 21, 2014

DIY Puzzle Magnets

Hello peeps! 
Lets talk about puzzles! 
If you like me, your sister brought you a box FILLED with puzzle pieces one day because she knows how crafty you are.

Am I right?!
No? Okay.
Well, maybe you have some puzzles that have missing pieces, that's probably more likely.

Okay, so you probably seen many ideas for puzzle pieces on Pinterest, like ornaments, wreaths, picture frames and what not. Eventually, I'll probably have to do every puzzle craft on Pinterest. But for now, I didn't see magnets. And I love magnets. Cheep and easy to make!
So I had some maps on hand and thought it would be super cute to make Map Magnets!

How cute! Great for gifts or just for you!

Here is what I used/had on hand just in case.

*Puzzle Piece
*Mod Podge (Walmart $6.72)
*Puzzle Glue (Target $2.99) (I had this on hand, just in case I needed it.)
*Maps (I bought this one at a local thrift shop for $1)
*Magnets (I used the old ones that we weren't using anymore. But magnets are magnets.)
*X-acto knife.

First thing to do is pick the puzzle pieces that you want.

I picked some that had weird and fun shapes.

Then I thought the glue and the paper would stick better if I took the paper off the puzzle.

After your done taking the paper off, Put a good amount of Mod Podge or Puzzle Glue on the puzzle then put the map or whatever image that you want on the puzzle.

After the glue drys start cutting. I used an x-acto knife, it was so much easier than scissors.
After your done, apply the glue that you are using to the top of the puzzle piece to make it all glossy and shiny!
After the glue drys glue the magnet to the back of the puzzle piece.

And enjoy your beautiful remade puzzle pieces!

Thanks for reading!

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